Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
1PU and 1A
Welcome to our Year 1 page. Here you will find all of the details about our year group that you will need to know, including your child's topics, class trips and class based activities.
A Typical Year 1 School Day:
Our Foundation Subjects
- Art
- Computing
- Design Technology
- History
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Relationships, Health Education
- Science
P.E is currently taught on a Tuesday. Your children should keep their P.E kits in a named bag in school all week and it should include:
- A house colour T-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Black jumper
- Trainers/plimsoles
Please ensure that all items are named, as this makes it easier to return items if they are mislaid.
Forest School
At points during the year, your child will engage in Forest School. When your child is participating in Forest School, they will need:
- A warm jumper
- A waterproof coat
- Long trousers
- Wellies
- Warm socks
More information will be sent regarding the dates on which your child will take part in Outdoor Learning.
Your child will be taking part every other Wednesday throughout Terms 2, 4 and 6.
Reading is a key skill that all children in Year 1 need to develop. In KS1 we will be focusing on building up the children's high frequency word recognition, sound blending and segmenting of words and becoming more independent, fluent readers.
Independent reading will take place throughout the week. Independent reading reinforces their phonics knowledge and adults will hear them read 1:1 regularly. This will be recorded in their reading record. We would like you to read with your child at least 3 times a week and record any comments in your child's Reading Record Book. When reading with your child, please try to ask them questions about the title of the book, the pictures and what they have read to check their comprehension. Please note, books only get changed once the book has been read twice, to help with their fluency and accuracy of reading. Reading will be checked and changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child comes to school with their reading record and book every day.
Important Dates For Term 2:
Forest School Dates for 1A: Tuesday 5th November, Thursday 21st November, Thursday 5th December
Forest School Dates for 1PU: Thursday 14th November, Thursday 28th November, Thursday 12th December
Nativity Performances: Monday 16th December (PM), Tuesday 17th December (AM)