Early Years
Welcome to EYFS
Squirrels and Badgers
Welcome to our Early Years page. Here you will find all of the details about our year group that you will need to know, including your child's topics, class trips and class based activities.
Miss Adams Mrs Nicholas
Squirrel Class Badger Class
Please provide your child with the following (all named):
- A book bag that includes your school reading book, yellow reading journal, home learning journal and library book.
- PE kit
P.E. is taught once a week. Your children should keep their P.E kit in a named bag in school all week and it should include:
- A house colour T-shirt
- Black shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Black jumper
- Trainers/plimsoles
Please ensure that all items are named as this makes it easer to return items if they are mislaid.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning will begin on Tuesdays in Term 2 for Early Years. Mrs Kyte is spending Term 1 with the children on a Tuesday getting to know them as well as complete some fun activities outside. In Term 2, Badger class will have Outdoor Learning on a Tuesday morning and Squirrel class on a Tuesday afternoon. When your child is participating in Outdoor Learning from Term 2, they will need:
- A warm jumper
- A waterproof coat
- Long trousers or all in one suit
- Wellies
- Warm socks
These will remain at school as they can be used for Outdoor Learning and if it rains.
Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), there are 7 areas of learning:
Prime Areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
Specific Areas:
- Mathematics
- Literacy
- Understanding The world
- Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the day, the children engaged with a range of learning opportunities which are stimulating and exciting! There are opportunities for adult led, adult-initiated and child- led activities.
Rainbow Learning
'Rainbow Learning' is a key part of our day in Early years, where the children explore their own interests and ideas. During 'Rainbow Learning' We focus on the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning', these are split into three key areas:
- Playing and Exploring
- Active Learning
- Creative and Critical Thinking
We aim for the children to become active learners, who take ownership of their learning through thinking about how they can challenge themselves in their play. The children enjoy coming up with actions to each Characteristic circle as this helps them to remember each one!