Our Classes and their Values
Class Names
- EYFS – Squirrels and Badgers
- Year 1 – 1A & 1PU
- Year 2 – 2BC & 2F
- Year 3 – 3A & 3LT
- Year 4 – 4R & 4W
- Year 5 – 5H & 5N
- Year 6 – 6C & 6S
Class Values
At Bishop Chavasse School we believe that it is important that Christian and British values are embedded in everything we do in our school: in the way we behave and in the conversations we have with each other, every day.
Our Class values are taken from the values that Paul, in the book of Galatians 5:22-23, advises us to have and live by. Christ says we are identified by our 'fruits' and at Bishop Chavasse we encourage and develop these nine values in everybody:
- Love - EYFS
- Joy - Year 1
- Peace - Year 2
- Patience - Year 3
- Kindness - Year 4
- Goodness and Faithfulness - Year 5
- Gentleness and Self-control - Year 6
In their year groups, the children learn about the importance of their values and understand what it means to show these values towards one another.