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Inclusion and SEND


At Bishop Chavasse we have a set of values that underpin everything we do. One of our key values is inclusivity; we welcome everyone to our school and value all equally whatever their needs may be. To support this value we ensure that our teaching team are trained to high standards in order that they are confident with ensuring that all members of our school community have their individual needs met and that we nurture all of our children to achieve their full potential.

Our teaching team meet regularly with our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) Mrs Abdullah to review the progress of vulnerable groups and individuals. For more information contact the school office  01732 676040 or

SEND Information Evening

Our SENDCO Mrs Abdullah and Headteacher Mrs Hood met parents on 12th July 2023 for a discussion covering:

  • Our graduated approach to SEND provision including how we ensure we are meeting provision outlined in EHCPs;
  • The EHCP process and changes at county level;
  • High Needs Funding and how the funding is used to support pupils; and
  • Where parents can find further support.

Attached is Mrs Abdullah's presentation, and the links from the presentation:

Link to the padlet: SEND at Bishop Chavasse School ( 

EHCP timeframes outlined by KCC: Request an EHC plan process map ( 

SEND presentation July 2023

Main Core Standards

Mainstream Core Standards Guide

 Parent Version