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Who's Who

Come and meet the staff at our school!

Headteacher                             Mrs Hood

Deputy Headteacher           Mr Lucas

SENDCo                                        Mrs Abdullah



Badgers  Mrs Nicholas (EYFS Lead)
Squirrels  Miss Adams
1A Miss Atkins
1PU Miss Pring and Mrs Upton
2BC Mrs Cochrane (KS1 Lead) and Ms Belliere
2F Miss Fielder
3A Mrs Askey
3LT Mrs Taylor and Mrs Abdullah
4W Mrs Willingale
4R Mrs Reynolds
5H Miss Hume 
5N Mr Neville
6S Miss Scott (KS2 lead)
6C Miss Clare

Other teaching staff:

Forest School leader      Mrs Kyte

PPA HLTA                             Mrs Watts

Behaviour and Inclusion Mentor:

Mrs Ley

Play therapist:

Mrs Heather Kemp

Non-teaching support team:

School Business Manager      Mr Ley

School Receptionist                          Mrs Bournes

HR and Comms                                Mrs Stanton

Attendance and Admissions officer  Mrs Pullen-Underhill