Who's Who
Come and meet the staff at our school!
Headteacher Mrs Hood office@bishopchavasseschool.org.uk
Deputy Headteacher Mr Lucas office@bishopchavasseschool.org.uk
SENDCo Mrs Abdullah sendco@bishopchavasseschool.org.uk
Class |
Teachers |
Badgers | Mrs Nicholas (EYFS Lead) |
Squirrels | Miss Adams |
1A | Miss Atkins |
1PU | Miss Pring and Mrs Upton |
2BC | Mrs Cochrane (KS1 Lead) and Ms Belliere |
2F | Miss Fielder |
3A | Mrs Askey |
3LT | Mrs Taylor and Mrs Abdullah |
4W | Mrs Willingale |
4R | Mrs Reynolds |
5H | Miss Hume |
5N | Mr Neville |
6S | Miss Scott (KS2 lead) |
6C | Miss Clare |
Other teaching staff:
Forest School leader Mrs Kyte
PPA HLTA Mrs Watts
Behaviour and Inclusion Mentor:
Mrs Ley
Play therapist:
Mrs Heather Kemp
Non-teaching support team:
School Business Manager Mr Ley
School Receptionist Mrs Bournes
HR and Comms Mrs Stanton
Attendance and Admissions officer Mrs Pullen-Underhill