
Bishop Chavasse Church of England Primary School

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Bishop Chavasse

Church of England Primary School

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Our New School Building Unveiled

Thursday, this week saw our school move into its new school building for the next part of its history.


Headteacher, Mrs Donna Weeks said “It is a rare opportunity as a Headteacher to be able to be part of the process to shape the design of a brand new school; it has enabled me to ensure that our children and the community have bright and spacious purpose-built school with stunning outdoor spaces.


'I knew how I wanted the school look and the outstanding provision I aimed to create, with specialist classrooms for food technology, nurture, themed group spaces, an inspiring library in addition to spacious classrooms for every year group, but never imagined the finished school would be as impressive as it is.'


The new school building is a calm and spacious learning environment which provides great opportunities for learning both inside and outside the classrooms which will ensure that we are able to focus on the development of every child, enabling everyone to fulfill their potential and achieve excellence. 


As a school, we are delighted by the support of their parents and local community who believed in our vision for the school, the first Church of England school in Tonbridge, from its inception four years ago to its move into the new building.


The school currently has Years R and 1, and will have Year 2 from September when our current founding children move into their new year group.
